A Chapter 11 Attorney Confirmed Pope Car Owner Jim Rich Could Amend All Civil Lawsuits

Released on = April 2, 2006, 10:10 am

Press Release Author = Jim Rich/Chicago West

Industry = Law

Press Release Summary = A chapter 11 bankruptcy attorney confirmed, with sustaining
authority, that pope car owner and CEO of Chicago West� (Jim Rich) was able to amend
all his pro-se lawsuits filed in a Illinois state civil court.

Press Release Body = On March 9th 2006, pope car owner and CEO of Chicago West�
"Mona Lisa's Hideaway�", Jim Rich (the debtor), went to trial in a federal chapter
11 bankruptcy court to protect his assets from a disputed creditor claim.

During the trial, Rich's bankruptcy attorney spent over an hour, thoroughly,
examining a lawyer who represents the disputed creditor. The examination included
several legal actions, Rich filed, in a state civil court (starting in 2002),
against this creditor and others.

Moreover, Rich's lawyer corroborated, through further examination, that the disputed
creditor did not protect the shuttered restaurant with proper insurance, while under
state court order.

Wherefore, the debtors testimony confirmed, with sustaining authority, that all
Rich's civil lawsuits could be amended, without needing to re-file them.
In review, December 23, 2005, Jim Rich and his Company Jim Rich Enterprises Inc.,
also known as, Chicago West� \"Mona Lisa's Hideaway�\" filed a new corporate Chapter
11 Case in The United States Bankruptcy Court of The Northern District of Illinois
Eastern Division as CASE NO. 05 64170 and on January 10, 2006 this case was
consolidated with Jim Rich's personal Chapter 11 CASE NO 05 24115 to administer a
liquidation sale ( to the general public ) to part of this creditors golf course (
Rich Harvest Farms ) and to furthermore, process several ( 365( k ) chapter 11 code
) creditor disputes and lawsuits involving a \"tight nit\" relationship of this
creditor to a village and commercial bank regarding this matter.

This twin chapter 11 case was formed to protect a lifetime of hard work from
destruction by a creditor to a chapter 11 bankruptcy case, who, tortuously
interfered, defamed and railroaded Jim Rich Enterprises Inc. into bankruptcy,
causing Jim Rich Enterprises, to needlessly auction off it's Pope John Paul ll's
car, in Las Vegas last October of 2005, due to the jealously of it's attention
overwhelming this creditors private golf course.

In Closing, this pair of Chapter 11 cases hopes to permanently separate Jim Rich
Enterprises Inc. and it's CEO ( Jim Rich ) from this creditor and financially
justify him with punitive, special and general damages.

You can log on to www.Chapter1111.com for all details.

*Mona Lisa's Hideaway� is a tag name to Chicago West Inc.�, a division of Jim Rich
Enterprises Inc.

cc US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald
cc Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan


Web Site = http://chapter1111.com

Contact Details = Company Name Chicago West� \"Mona Lisa's Hideaway\"�
Company Address Po box 29 DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Contact Details billiondollarbar@yahoo.com

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